Saskatchewan Council for Archives and Archivists - AN EXHIBITION

Saskatchewan in Two World Wars

Military training underwent significant modifications in depth and diversity during the twentieth century. In the First World War there was an emphasis on weapons familiarization, operation, and maintenance together with a variety of physical conditioning programs and, of course, marching. Between the two wars, with the greatly expanded use of motorized vehicles and airborne weaponry, more advanced skills and training approaches were required. This was an area in which the education and training afforded by the Canadian Officers' Training Corps proved invaluable to those serving in the second World War. The COTC, like the British Commonwealth Air Training Program, ensured that Canadian forces overseas were eminently qualified to perform their specific duties.

Encampment at Regina's Exhibition Grounds, c. 1915. [32]

An army convoy on Saskatoon's Broadway Bridge, 1945. [33]

Marching drill, Regina, c. 1916. [34]

The navy on parade in Saskatoon, 1941. [35]

Troops being reviewed at Camp Hughes, Manitoba, 1916. [36]

Aircrew trainees wearing oxygen masks in training for flight at altitudes in excess of seven miles, 1941. [37]

Post card from Chaplain E.H. Oliver showing the "mess" at Camp Hughes, Manitoba, 1916. [38]
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An aerial view of Saskatoon taken while on a British Commonwealth Air Training flight out of Regina, 1940. [39]
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Even though the serious matter of military training was paramount, other activities continued. People entertained or were entertained, individuals continued to marry, and friends and colleagues autographed their memorabilia.

The 65th Overseas Battalion Regimental Band and Orchestra, 1916. [40]

Gracie Fields entertains the troops at Dundurn Army Camp, c. 1940. [41]

The 96th Battalion Canadian Highlanders Pipe Band at Camp Hughes, 1916. [42]

BCATP Flight Service Training School softball team, c. 1941. [43]

Wedding party at the marriage of Pte. Charles Boniface and Nina Witney in Saskatoon, 1915. He was killed in France less than a year later. [44]

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Pennant signed by the students, c. 1942. [45]
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The officials of the University's Training Corps, 1944. [50]
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The record of R.K. Larmour's training duties during the 1943-44 academic term. [51]
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R.K. Larmour, chemist and COTC training officer, 1945. [52]
Women certainly played a prominent and important role in Canada's efforts in both wars, regardless of the uniform they wore or where they served. Although many indeed performed nursing duties at home and overseas, a large number served in various branches of Canada's armed forces in both world wars.

A Royal Air Force chauffeur, c. 1917. [46]
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The Women's Auxiliary Corps at the University of Saskatchewan, 1943. [47]
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The nursing staff at Dundurn Army Camp, c. 1943. [48]

The RCAF Women's Division on parade in Ottawa, c. 1942. [49]


Saskatchewan in Two World WarsVirtual Displays

This site has been made possible by financial support from the federal government
through the National Archives of Canada and the Canadian Council of Archives.

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