Saskatchewan Council for Archives and Archivists - AN EXHIBITION

Saskatchewan in Two World Wars

The departure of soldiers to the East for training or the journey overseas produced a variety of emotions both among those going and the ones they left behind. These leave takings frequently were accompanied by marching parades through town or city to the local railway station. Some were off on an exciting adventure; others hesitantly but willing faced what they considered their duty and responsibility to God and Country. The final farewells before boarding the train or ascending the ship's gang plank were extremely difficult for those going or staying. Few were oblivious to the dangers inherent in war and none could be certain of ever meeting again.

The 96th Battalion parading down Second Avenue in Saskatoon, c. 1916. [61]

Final farewells in Saskatoon, c. 1915. [62]

The 27th Light Horse leaving Moose Jaw for overseas, c. 1915. [63]

Recruits leaving Saskatoon for training, c. 1939. [64]

Gustav Bolstad in the Royal Flying Corps Uniform, 1918. [65]

The R.M.S. Megantic which had transported Bolstad to England a few years previously, 1913. [66]

The RCAF parading on Second Avenue in Saskatoon, 1940. [67]


Saskatchewan in Two World WarsVirtual Displays

This site has been made possible by financial support from the federal government
through the National Archives of Canada and the Canadian Council of Archives.

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