1900   1910   1920   1930   1940   1950   1960   1970   1980   1990   2000


All archival material cited can be found in the University of Saskatchewan Archives.  Secondary sources are listed below.

Badgley, R.F.  and Samuel Wolfe.  Doctors= Strike: Medical Care and Conflict in Saskatchewan. Toronto: Macmillan, 1967.  Hereafter referred to as Badgley & Wolfe.

Bigland, Christopher H.WCVM, The First Decade and More: The History of the Western College of Veterinary Medicine.  Saskatoon: Western College of Veterinary Medicine, 1990. Hereafter referred to as Bigland.

Buchan, D.J.  Greenhouse to Medical Centre: Saskatchewan=s Medical School 1926-78.  Saskatoon: University of Saskatchewan, 1983.  Hereafter referred to as Buchan.

Currie, Balfour.  Physics Department, 1910-1976, University of Saskatchewan.  Saskatoon: University of Saskatchewan, 1976.  Hereafter referred to as Currie.

Gruending, Dennis. The First Ten Years.  Saskatoon:  Saskatoon Community Clinic, 1974. Hereafter referred to as Gruending.

Hayden, Michael.   Seeking a Balance: The University of Saskatchewan 1907-1982.  Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press, 1983.  Hereafter referred to as Hayden.

Hayden, Michael (ed.).   So Much to Do, So Little Time: The Writings of Hilda Neatby.  Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press, 1983.  Hereafter referred to as So Much to Do, So Little Time.  

Kerr, Don and Stan Hanson.   Saskatoon, The First Half Century.   Edmonton: NeWest Publishers, 1982.  Hereafter referred to as Kerr & Hanson.

King, Carlyle.  The First Fifty: Teaching, Research and Public Service at the University of Saskatchewan, 1909-1959.  Toronto: McClelland and Stewart Limited, 1959.  Hereafter referred to as King.

Macdonald, R.H.   Thorough: An Illustrated History of the College of Engineering, 1912-1982.  Saskatoon: University of Saskatchewan, 1982.  Hereafter referred to as Macdonald.

McWilliams, James L. The Suicide Battalion. Edmonton: Hurtig, 1978. Hereafter referred to as McWilliams.

Municipal Heritage Advisory Committee. Saving our City: Saskatoon=s Protected Heritage Structures.  Saskatoon: Municipal Heritage Advisory Committee, 1994.

Ransom, Diane.  Pioneers and Performers: Sport 1909-1984, University of Saskatchewan.  Saskatoon: University of Saskatchewan, 1984.  Hereafter referred to as Ransom.

Spafford, Shirley.   No Ordinary Academics: Economics and Political Science at the University of Saskatchewan, 1910-1960.  Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2000.  Hereafter referred to as Spafford.

Thomas, Lewis Herbert.  The University of Saskatchewan, 1909-1959.  Saskatoon: University of Saskatchewan, 1959.  Hereafter referred to as Thomas.

Thompson, W.P.  The University of Saskatchewan: A Personal History.   Toronto : University of Toronto Press, 1970.  Hereafter referred to as Thompson.

The University of Saskatchewan Archives: Guide to Holdings (Saskatoon: University of Saskatchewan Archives, 1994).  Hereafter referred to as Guide to Holdings.

Wilson, R.A.  The Miraculous Birth of Language.  London: J.M. Dent, 1942.  Hereafter referred to as Wilson.