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(Les descriptions du matériel numérisé ne sont qu'en anglais seulement.)

Getikshan Male Elder, Institute for Northern Studies fonds Getikshan Male Elder
Institute for Northern Studies fonds
University of Saskatchewan Archives
Getikshan Male Elder, Institute for Northern Studies fonds Getikshan Male Elder
Institute for Northern Studies fonds
University of Saskatchewan Archives
Getikshan Female Elder, Institute for Northern Studies fonds Getikshan Female Elder
Institute for Northern Studies fonds
University of Saskatchewan Archives
Eskimo Child, Institute for Northern Studies fonds Eskimo Child
Institute for Northern Studies fonds
University of Saskatchewan Archives
War Bonnet, Institute for Northern Studies fonds War Bonnet
Institute for Northern Studies fonds
University of Saskatchewan Archives
Eider Duck Feather Jacket, Institute for Northern Studies fonds Eider Duck Feather Jacket
Institute for Northern Studies fonds
University of Saskatchewan Archives
Black Plume (Long Mane) Headdress, Institute for Northern Studies fonds Black Plume (Long Mane) Headdress
Institute for Northern Studies fonds
University of Saskatchewan Archives
Nanai Woman - Portrait, Institute for Northern Studies fonds Nanai Woman - Portrait
Institute for Northern Studies fonds
University of Saskatchewan Archives
Nanai Clothing, Institute for Northern Studies fonds Nanai Clothing
Institute for Northern Studies fonds
University of Saskatchewan Archives
Mrs. Lazerous Loucheux with Baby, Old Crow, YT, Institute for Northern Studies fonds Mrs. Lazerous Loucheux with Baby, Old Crow, YT
Institute for Northern Studies fonds
University of Saskatchewan Archives