University of Saskatchewan



"There was quite a settlement at Chesterfield, which was anything but isolated. Mission Lake was a major point of contact, especially when ships arrived with supplies. All sorts of people came from long distances, from as far away as Pelly Bay and Baker Lake and the entire region."

- Frank Davies

Anglican Missionary Jaines and Unidentified Inuit Helper, Baker Lake.

Inuit Family at Entrance to Igloo.

Inuit: from Coral Harbour, Southhampton;
Centre: Hudson's Bay Employee

Mission Building.

Mission Building

Mission Building


"I made a rough little sketch of the inlet, and marked the Roman Catholic mission and hospital on it. There are lakes shown on the top left and top right of the sketch. The one on the left was known as Police Lake and the other, as Mission Lake…There was…a hospital and a Roman Catholic mission; the hospital was run by the mission. Then there was the police station with Sergeant Wight, accompanied by his wife and two constables. There was a radio station down at the southern point with two radio operators…Our own stations are marked with an "X." The Hudson's Bay Post…was on the extreme right."

- Frank Davies

Hand Drawn Map of Chesterfield Inlet.

Special Constable Parka.

Singatuk in front of Sled.

Father Henri, Brother Paradis and Two Inuit [Parishioners].

B.W. Currie and Unidentified Inuit Man Outside Igloo.


"When a ship arrived (about twice a year)…We always came away loaded down with tins of fruit and all kinds of supplies, and so did the RCMP and the radio operators. But I had the impression that the Hudson's Bay Company simply gave their men rifles and ammunition and hoped for the best."

- Frank Davies

HB Post: Lofty Stewart, Mac McLeod and [Bob Stewart].


"Father Ducharme was the skipper of the mission schooner, Ste. Thérèse…When he was ashore at Chesterfield, Ducharme used to visit us, and we often played poker."

- Frank Davies

Mission Schooner Ste. Therèsé.
1979 letter from Ducharme.

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